Oh, he's also a ham. |
Henry's 6th Birthday - December 27, 2014
Favorite Color: Orange, Green, and Light Purple
Favorite Show: Ninja Turtles
Favorite Thing To Do Inside: Play with my Leap Frog video game and play superheroes with Daniel
Favorite Thing To Do Outside: Play games with my friend, Nicholas. Swing and ride my bike.
Favorite Snack: Pirate's Booty and cookies
Favorite Meal: Pasta
Favorite Song: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer and Go Ninja Go (Ninja Turtles)
Favorite Thing To Do With Dadda: Go to the movies like when we saw Ninja Turtles
Favorite Thing To Do With Mamma: Play Monopoly
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up: An electrician, a scientist, and a fireman
If I Had Lots Of Money I Would Buy: More Ninja Turtles and another video game
Happy Birthday, Ninja Turtle Obsessed Buddy! We love you!