Are mild winters to blame for lots of ticks? I’ve heard a million people say
it’s going to be a bad season for ticks due to the mild winter that we had.
Well it turns out that it’s not the warm winter but the availability of hosts
that makes the population high. In 2011, there was a surge in the population
of white-footed deer mice due to a huge crop of acorns (their food) in 2010. Who
knew? Since mice are the prime and preferred host for ticks they had plenty of
hosts available for the choosing. On top of that, the mild fall/winter meant
that the ticks were able to remain active and not die off. Add a mild spring to
that mix and now you also have hibernating ticks waking up early. It
basically turns in to a triple whammy!
Do all ticks carry Lyme disease? No. Wood and Dog Ticks do
NOT carry Lyme disease. Deer ticks are the carriers of Lyme disease. It generally
takes 24-48 hours for a deer tick to transmit Lyme disease to its host’s bloodstream.
What are the life stages of a tick? Okay, no one has
probably ever wondered this (including myself) but it’s actually kind of interesting.
Stage 1: Larva – Eggs laid in the spring hatch into larvae
in the late summer (peak August). They are no bigger than a newsprinted period
and wait on the ground to attach to a small mammal or bird. The larva feeds
over a few days and then drops off. It will not need another meal until it
reaches the next stage of its life cycle.
Stage 2: Nymph – Larvae form into Nymphs in the fall and
generally remain inactive throughout the winter until spring. Their preferred
hosts are small mammals and birds but will also feast on pets and humans if
given the chance. Nymphs are about the size of a poppy seed so they often go
unnoticed until they are fully engorged (4 -5 days). Due to the small size,
nymphs are responsible for most human Lyme disease cases.
Stage 3: Adult – The Nymph drops off its host and waits
until the fall for its next host. It can wait up to three feet off the ground
on high grass or leaves to attach on to deer (preferred host) or pets/humans.
Peek activity is in October/November. Approximately 50% of these ticks carry
Lyme disease although they are often seen (due to size) and removed before they
are able to infect the host. If adult ticks are unable to find a host they will
hibernate under leaves until the early spring in a last ditch effort to find a
host. If they are able to find a host, they will then mate and reproduce. A
female tick lays approximately 3,000 eggs (holy smokes!!) in the spring which
starts the whole cycle again.
![]() |
Adult female, Adult Male, Nymph, Larva on a centimeter scale |
- Using a pair of pointed tweezers grasp the tick by the head right where they have entered the skin. Do NOT grab the tick by the body,
- Pull firmly and steadily outward. Do not twist the tick.
- Place the tick in a jar of alcohol to kill it
- Clean the wound with disinfectant
It is recommended that you do not apply a hot match or any
other irritant (Vaseline, alcohol, etc) to the tick in order to get it to back
out of the host. I must admit that we have been known to use the match trick
(not on the kids though).
What is the best way to prevent getting a tick bite?
- Wear long sleeves and long pants when outside.
- Wear bug repellent that includes DEET.
- Check yourself, children, and pets constantly for ticks. Do a thorough check before you go inside so that you don’t accidentally carry any ticks inside with you.
- Pray to the tick gods every night.
What should I look out for if a tick was attached to me?
- A bullseye type rash anywhere on the body up to 1 month after the tick is removed
- Fever, chills, joint pain, and fatigue
- If you have any questions at all, check with your doctor (duh!)
Happy Tick Hunting!
Sources: (Anita Fritz), American Lyme Disease
Foundation (