My grandmother once told me that you can get through anything in life with a supportive husband by your side. Although it may sound like an old school approach to life, I often think about her comment. I know that tons of women accomplish amazing things without a husband (I was raised by a single mom) but I consider myself very lucky to have found a great guy to call my husband.
Today is the seven year anniversary of when we first said "I do." It's the seven year anniversary of the day he became that supportive husband by my side. In those years we've had times that were stressful, joyful, terrifying, amazing, and heartbreaking. I've been able to laugh with him, lean on him, and talk incessantly to him about things that he has no interest in hearing about. So today, I'm wishing a very happy anniversary to my husband. Here's to 7 more years- okay, maybe 70 more!