Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tiny Talkers: Baby Sign Language (Giveaway!)

Sometimes wouldn't it make your life easier if you could just know what your baby/toddler was trying to tell you? My Daniel didn't have any words until he was twenty months old (of course, now you can't shut him up!) and it would have been helpful if we had an easier way to communicate with him. I know several of my friends have opted to learn baby sign language as a way to communicate better with their children. That's why I was excited to learn about Tiny Talkers which is an award winning sign language class in Portland, Oregon created by Shira Fogel. Since the class has been highly successful, Shira has now created a webcast and online support for others across the country/world who want to teach their children the art of sign language. 

Why Should You Consider Sign Language with your Baby? Teaching your babies to sign enables THEM to ask YOU a question, tell you their needs and desires or initiate a conversation about something that interests them. Using sign language with your baby lessens frustration, crying, and tantrums, is scientifically proven to build more brain function and raise your child’s IQ and increases your baby's ability to pay attention and listen by teaching them in infancy to stop, look, and listen to what is being said or shown. Many people are amazed that babies as young as 6 months old can learn sign language when they aren’t even capable of talking yet. Over 30 years of research has proven that using sign language can help fill in the gap between comprehension and speech production. This is possible because babies can acquire the ability to understand language well before their muscles in their mouths enable them to actually form words and speak to you.

The Nitty Gritty about Tiny Talkers: The 2.5 hour webcast filled with solid information that parents/caregivers can watch at their own leisure covers everything they need to learn in order to help their child be a successful signer using American Sign Language.  Plus, Tiny Talkers is the ONLY sign language webcast that offers PERSONALIZED email support to answer any follow up questions that they may have after completing the course at NO EXTRA CHARGE. All this is offered for just $35 including 55 pages of downloadable PDF’s of materials reviewed in the webcast!

One lucky Dollops reader is going to win a copy of the webcast, associated literature, and personalized support from Tiny Talkers. Pretty gosh darn cool, huh? Enter using the Rafflecopter below and share with all the other baby mammas you know!
  a Rafflecopter giveaway 
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