As I mentioned last week, Henry is now potty trained. He is
doing great and not having any accidents, however, there is a problem. I had no
idea how completely out of control a three year old’s little man business is.
That thing is like a fire hose. The full force of it is incredible. Now
clearly, I don’t have a penis so I am like the blind leading the blind while
helping him. We started out sitting down on the potty since that seemed like
the thing to do. Even with sitting, that thing is still shooting urine out
everywhere! A quote from Henry: “Winkies
like to go everywhere but Mommys like them to stay in the potty.” Very true,
Henry. Very true. So then I figured I should just have him stand since maybe
that would be better. Umm…no. The first time standing included ME holding him
in place and we still ended up showering the bathroom with urine. If I can’t
even aim it right, how can I expect him to??
It also doesn’t help that he will think he is done only to be fooled and have more come out. I am doing so much extra laundry just because of dribbles,
leaks, and fire hose episodes in the bathroom. The two of us in there are
actually quite the comical team. Thank God he’ll have no recollection of this when he
gets older. Potty training girls was so much easier. At least I know what’s
going on down there! So we’re going to
just keep tackling it with an end goal of getting ALL urine in the potty. Until
we get over the learning curve, I’ll be keeping lots of Clorox Wipes on hand!