Isabelle and Henry have been sharing a room since they were
babies. Once the third kid came along we were going to wait to see the sex and
then make a boy room and a girl room. The lucky duck who was born the only boy
or girl would then get their own room while the other two permanently shared.
The problem? Lucky duck Isabelle has no desire to have a room of her own. When
Daniel was first born we offered Isabelle her own room and she promptly
declined. At the time we kept the “big kids" (aged 2 and 1 at the time!) in
their room and newborn Daniel got his own room which worked well for nighttime
feedings, naps, etc. Fast forward two years later and I thought for sure she
would want her own room full of pinkness, butterflies, chokable Barbie
accessories, and glitter but no dice. Maybe that’s just my dream? She insists
that she stay in Henry’s room “forever” (her words). Now I can see that a move
to a room alone after always having someone with you could be a bit scary. She
asks things like, “What if I have to tell Henry something from my bed?” I then tell
her she can just get up and go in his room and tell him. Of course, when the
time comes, if she does leave her room I will totally yell at her about it
(sshhh…don’t tell her that).
Now really there is no rush for the kids to switch rooms but
it just feels like unfinished business. In case you don’t know, I’m a planner.
A big time planner. It’s driving me nutty to not know when the rooms will be
switched – to not know when things will officially be settled. In an effort to
make her see the awesomeness of a new room, I’ve been pointing out cute things
in stores and telling her how when she has her own room she could get them and
decorate the room however she wants. She is intrigued but still stands firm on
her current room status.
On the flip side, Henry has now become very excited about
his room being switched to a “boy” room. He talks constantly about, “When Isabelle
moves out.” I love that he talks about it as if she’s leaving the house and not
just moving in the room next door. I now find him flipping through catalogs picking
out all the things he’s going to have in his new room. So far he’s picked a red
couch, a truck rug, Spiderman decals, and an owl statue. He’s also requested
more windows in the room. I think he might have a future in interior design.
Now if only we could get his sister to move out.
With a bed like this imagine how she would decorate a room of her own? |