Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Random Facts About Me

Now that I have some new followers (thank you!), I figured I’d share a bit more about myself. Here are nine random facts about me:
  1. I am OBSESSED with lip balm – Vaseline, Blistex, Chapstick, you name it. I need it with me constantly and freak out if I don’t have it.
  2. The first night I ever met my husband was at a bar where I called him in @sshole.  We didn’t see each other again until years later and then started dating. Apparently, he’s my @sshole for life.
  3. I grew up in a household where fruits and vegetables were non-existent and condiments were butter and salt. It is my solemn swear that this will not be how my children grow up.
  4. My husband and I abandoned the typical tropical honeymoon idea and went to Alaska instead. I am not a real “woodsy” type of girl but we had an amazing time. I’m so glad we ventured off the beaten path.
  5. I put ketchup on my pizza.
  6. When growing up, I was quiet and shy. I didn’t fully come out of my shell until after college.
  7. I sleepwalk.
  8. I’ve had three fast, furious, and DRUG FREE deliveries of my children.
  9. I can most likely beat anyone in a sneezing competition because I am basically allergic to the world. I have ridiculous allergies to just about everything that can often last all year through. 
 Why did I stop the list at nine facts and not ten? Well, you’ll just have to keep reading more posts to find out more about me!

Me on a glacier tour at Kenai Fjords, Alaska (2006)

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